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發布時間:2021-04-09 18:08:45

❶ 求助采礦專業英文翻譯!!!不要軟體翻譯完貼過來的!沒分了!謝謝了!


Abstract: zhongping can turn the group in GaoZhuang ore mining ShiLongOu pingdingshan's territory, HanLiang central, about 56 kilometers away from downtown. Field exploration area of 9.6 square kilometers, the design of mine proction capacity 900,000 t/a. Simple structure, within the field geological recognize base-level cycle for oneself 16-17 coal, dip Angle is lesser, 0-10 °, coal seam gas 6.4 m, average thickness for 3.63 earned run average relative emission, absolute m3 / t 176 m3 / for emission, belong to low gas min mine, coal seam spontaneous period for 2 -- 3 months, the mine 300m3 / h normal section. Design USES vertical single level mountain exploration, mining coal preparation, the comprehensive mechanized of longwall mining process, to layering exploitation, all collapse method of mined-out area, the central falls method processing boundary type ventilation. All realize mechanization mine, the adoption of advanced technology and reference has realized high yield and high efficiency, realize the modernization of the experience of a mine mine mine a high yield and high efficiency to achieve good economic and social benefits.

Keywords: mining special preliminary design; Low gas mine; Vertical shaft; Single level mountain development; Mining type ready; Comprehensive mechanized mining longwall mining methods, toward; The layering exploitation; All the pieces fell method, the central boundary type.


❷ 有一種黃金挖礦游戲名字是英文版的

me at a distance; but that
until she heard fros

❸ 黃金礦工的英文是什麼

gold miner

❹ 采礦用英語怎麼說


只有專業說法:mining(漢字注音:埋嶺)最准確。(漢語含義:n.采礦, 礦業)可做動名詞。

例如:mine pron.我的;n.礦, 礦山, 礦井, 源泉, 寶庫, 地雷, 水雷;vt.挖掘, 開采, 在...布雷, 破壞
vi.開礦, 埋設地雷等,只適合做「開礦」的動詞


❺ 采礦專業英文翻譯

The Ge Ting coal mine is that Zi Bo City Bureau of Mines develops the third pair of the northwest part modernizing a shaft , being located in Shandong Province Ji Ning City building in helping north mining area. The shaft year designs 600,000 tons of efficiency , design the length of service 51. The shaft may cut coal being 3 coal , 16 coal , 17 coal tier mainly , the host mines 3 coal seams. The village , highway pressure coal are grave and , 3 coal seam length of service shortens since shaft geology condition is complicated,be prolong the shaft length of service, decide to exploit 16 , 17 coal, coal matches spirit with 3. And design that condition considers the queen synthetically , put forward opens up a scheme by the geology general situation , well-field range , reserves and 16 , 17 coal seam geology to well-field originally , push and big alleys by the fact that the economy technology ascertains the tie making use of 130 orbits to go up the hill preparing adhesive tape going up the hill comparatively going up the hill exploiting, the mining area being in progress to 1160 mining area designs that. By the analysis to 1160 mining area geology condition, the for sure adopt long unitary make for wall coal mining law , single wing exploits, coal mining handicraft has adopt top grade Pucai , has adopt all caving law to manage a roof, driving face adopt a cannon dig. And carry out equipment choosing a type , arrange turn out system after ascertaining the mining area parameter, work out safe technology measure. Keywords: Well-field opens up , mining area , make for increase wall coal mining law , top grade Pucai

❻ 求一款挖礦游戲,英文名,三年前玩過的

微小礦工,英文名字Micro Miners 我以前也老愛玩這個

❼ 采礦業的英語翻譯 采礦業用英語怎麼說


[工經][礦業] mining instry更多釋義>>


❽ 礦工英文


❾ 采礦英語翻譯

This design altogether nine chapters, respectively are the general remarks, the technical economy, the mining geology, mining, the mining slope ramp design, the mine ventilation design, the mining machinery, the assembly drawing transportation, safe specially. And mining, the mining machinery, the mining slope ramp project are the design main bodies, in mining used advanced low poor has damaged the non-lower column partition to come down the law, will have the huge economic efficiency, the special mining slope ramp project, mainly included the slope ramp position the determination, the slope ramp form choice, the slope ramp cross section specification, the slope ramp slope, slope ramp aspect and so on curve design, slope ramp construction contents. Some parts of designs contain the essential blueprint, the blueprint must defer to the concerned requirements plan.

❿ 求助采礦專業英文翻譯!!!不要軟體翻譯完貼過來的!謝謝了!

In a large number of laboratory tests on the basis of the research on the success to the horizontal stratified into road type coarse aggregate pipe-conveying their high mining filling new technology, with "high density and high flow pattern, the proportion, low cost" characteristic, is set high concentrations of their filling and paste pumping filling advantage in a body, and cheap mining thick bone filling new technology. Experiment shows that e to the macrolevel aggregate, can greatly rece the cost of filling, can make the most use mine to rise.



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